Alien in My Pocket #5: Ohm vs. Amp

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Amp, the little alien, is staying on Zack’s planet because his ship broke when he flew into Zach’s bedroom. The aliens invaded because they wanted to take over the planet, but Amp had to tell the other aliens that they couldn’t invade because the people were too big. In this book, a different alien, named Ohm, comes to the planet and makes another dent in Zack’s wall. He came to get Amp, but Zack was really sad that Amp had to leave. Zack and Olivia try to make stuff to get Zack back to his home planet, but things don’t quite work out like they expected.

I like this book because it’s really exciting and I don’t know what will happen next. Ohm and Amp are really funny, because they have squeaky voices and they are really small, blue aliens. They are always arguing with each other. The funniest part was when Ohm’s spaceship makes another dent in the wall, like Amp’s spaceship did. I like Amp better than Ohm because he is funnier and because he is younger. This book is just as funny as the other ones, and I can hardly wait for the next!

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Author Nate Ball, Macky Pamintuan, Illustrator
Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 144 pages
Publisher HarperCollins
Publish Date 19-May-2015
ISBN 9780062216311
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Issue August 2015
Category Tweens


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