Greek Mythology’s Twelve Labors of Hercules: A Choose Your Path Book (Can You Survive?)

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The Twelve Labors of Hercules is an excellent book. I would recommend this book to kids that like mythology and/or superheros. Also, in my opinion, this book deserves FIVE STARS!! Now, on to what this book is about……. You are Hercules, a man as strong as a lion and as ruthless as a beast. You want to be immortal, so you go to the Oracle of Delphi to ask her how to do it. She sends you to King Eurystheus, your mean, wicked and evil cousin. He sends you on twelve labors, and you choose your fate. My favorite thing about this book is that it is unlike any other books I’ve read. It is a Choose Your Own Path book, so you can never get bored. There are a zillion different paths to choose from and each is an adventure!

Reviewed By:

Author Brandon Terrell
Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 164 pages
Publisher Lake 7 Creative, LLC
Publish Date 9/13/2013
ISBN 9780988366299
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue January 2014
Category Tweens


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