General (free!) Submission
Getting your book reviewed Kids’ BookBuzz
Under general submission, we’ll consider reviewing your book if its release date is within 90 days. These reviews are no cost to you. We receive more than 400 books a month, and only review about 40%. So now you’re informed of your odds. But you can give the general submission a try. If you have time to wait and a non-existent budget, we advise authors or publicists to submit under the general submissions and get in touch with us about 2 weeks prior to your book hitting 90 days past its on-sale date to ask if it’s been selected for review. If it has not, then you have time before we cancel the book to decide if you want to go the Sponsored route.
City Book Review, the parent company for all of our brands (San Francisco, Manhattan, Tulsa, and Seattle Book Reviews and Kids’ BookBuzz) is where you’ll be taken to for all orders or submissions.