Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral

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Cyberbullying is a widespread problem in today’s increasingly computer-connected society. With so many online interactions, it stands to reason that some of these would be both harmful and degrading. Many teens who are on the receiving end of cyberbullying feel helpless and despairing. This book helps them overcome their feelings of hurt and fright, and also gives bystanders and the bullies themselves ways to end cyberbullying.

The book contains some good tips for general good online habits. It has some tests you can take to determine if you are depressed, being bullied, or if you are bullying others, and also to see if you are suicidal due to bullying. There are a lot of stories from those whose lives have been affected by cyberbullying. It is a major issue for teens today because they are so reliant on praise from their peers and are constantly barraged by text and other online messages. The authors encourage teens to recognize the impact of their messages to each other and find words that build others up rather than tearing down. However, I feel that the target audience will not have much interest in trying the recommendations of this book; I hope that I am wrong.

Reviewed By:

Author Justin W. Patchin, Sameer Hinduja
Star Count 3.5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 208 pages
Publisher Free Spirit Publishing
Publish Date 12/3/2013
ISBN 9781575424514
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue March 2014
Category Young Adult


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