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There are almost twenty short stories in this book. It is a very colorful graphic novel that is similar in looks to the Adventure Time graphic novels. I am not really sure what the stories are about. The title says “Shhhhhhh,” but it is so hard to tell where a story starts and where it ends and I had to keep looking at the table of contents. I was so confused while reading it and even read the books a couple of times. But who doesn’t like Uglydolls? They each have their own different look, special talent, and unique personality and that is probably what makes them so likable.

I haven’t read volume one and I am not sure if that makes a difference. Even though this was a very cute, colorful, and eye-catching graphic novel, I do not think I would buy this book brand new. It just didn’t have any story to it. I would suggest to people who want to read this book to check it out from the library or try and find it used.

Reviewed By:

Author Travis Nichols and David Horvath
Star Count 3/5
Format Trade
Page Count 80 pages
Publisher Perfect Square
Publish Date 01-Oct-2013
ISBN 9781421557236
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue January 2014
Category Children's


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