Loom Magic!: 25 Awesome, Never-Before-Seen Designs for an Amazing Rainbow of Projects

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I got a Rainbow Loom for Christmas and was so excited to use this book and try out the patterns. I had never used a loom before and it wasn’t until I read in the book that I could remove the middle row on the loom, or if you have more looms you can put them together. I also didn’t know you could make items other than bracelets with the looms.

This book gives you step by step picture directions to make twenty-five different items from bracelets, a phone case, and even a mustache. I have been having so much fun with my friend using this book and making stuff. If you have a loom or are thinking about getting a loom, I would definitely buy this book. It is easy enough for anybody to use, even if you can’t read because the pictures make it super easy. I would suggest it would be easier if this had a spiral bind in it so it would lay flat when using it and I only wish I had a few more looms now to try and make some of the bigger projects in the book!

Reviewed By:

Author John McCann, Becky Thomas
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 128 pages
Publisher Sky Pony Press
Publish Date 06-Nov-2013
ISBN 9781629143347
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue January 2014
Category Tweens


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