Atoms / Los átomos (My First Science Textbook) (Spanish Edition)

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Have you ever wondered what makes up everything you see? like everything in the whole world? Atoms! Atoms are teeny tiny particles that makeup everything in the world. This book explains atoms for young readers. Can you believe atoms are made of even smaller components called protons and neutrons that are squished together to make electrons? when you use a different number of protons or neutrons to make different atoms for different elements. A perfect example is oxygen is made from h2o. What does that mean? it takes one hydrogen and two oxygen atoms to bond together to make an element. It is mind-blowing to think everything is made of tiny particles held together by bonds. The elements make up the periodic table and elements from the periodic table make up everything in the world. I think this book was very informative. I would love for it to cover more on the different types of elements and how protons and neutrons make them. The book was very brightly illustrated. I also liked that this book was in Spanish in English for readers who can speak either language.

Reviewed By:

Author Mary Wissinger
Star Count 3/5
Format Trade
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Science Naturally
Publish Date 01-Jul-2021
ISBN 9781938492396
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Issue July 2021
Category Children's