Very Rich

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Very Rich is an entertaining book about ten-year-old Rupert who lives with his large but poor family. One morning on Christmas, he begins his walk to school only to realize it’s, of course, closed on Christmas. On his way home, he passes one of the largest mansions in his town. Not paying attention, he suddenly stumbles into the large gate of the house. He feels a jolt of electricity going through his body and he faints. When he wakes up, the Rivers, the richest family in town, invite him for Christmas dinner as an apology. Everything Rupert has ever dreamt of is nearly offered to him. The Rivers invite him for a day of family games, where he wins some amazing prizes, he hopes to share with his poor family. But instead of being able to keep the prizes they get taken away and he gets taken on some other crazy adventures.

The book reminded a bit of some Roald Dahl adventures. It was magical and adventurous and very fun to read. The story also reminds you of being thankful for the things you have. This would be a great book for kids ten years old and up.

Reviewed By:

Author Polly Horvath
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 304 pages
Publisher Margaret Ferguson Books
Publish Date 2018-Sep-25
ISBN 9780823440283
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue March 2019
Category Tweens


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