Sand Swimmers

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This book is about the middle of Australia. It is dry there. It’s a desert. The European explorers thought there was a sea there. (There used to be water there fourteen million years before the expedition! I want to know why they had to bring two hundred sheep. Where was their boat? I guess they kept it on their wagon. I saw they brought two or three wagons.) When they went there, they found desert. There was nothing there—but there was! Some animals dig underground and wait until night to come out to get food. Some animals hibernate for years until it rains. My favorite animal is the stripe-faced dunnart. It’s a marsupial that eats poisonous spiders. (If I were an animal there, I’d live in a hole, but not eat poisonous things.) The animals who live here are better at camouflage. I like the pictures. They are fun. The pictures show how animals hide. I like finding them in the pictures. I would like to visit there. It looks like fun. Everybody who likes animals would like to read this book, because that’s basically what it’s all about: Australian animals. I’ll read this book again. I can read it myself—with Mommy’s help.

Reviewed By:

Author Narelle Oliver
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 40 pages
Publisher Candlewick
Publish Date 06-Jan-2015
ISBN 9780763667610
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Issue March 2015
Category Children's


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