Leadership (The Brian Tracy Success Library)

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Ever feel like you struggle in your professional relationships, or that you are having trouble fulfilling your managerial responsibilities? If so, Leadership has many unique and easy-to-apply strategies to help you overcome your challenges. In a few brief chapters, it explains what you are doing wrong, how you can improve, and the strategies you need to adopt to become the leader you want to be. For example, the book tells you that you must inspire and motivate those beneath you, rather than trying to discipline or force change. In the chapter, ‘The Role of Self-esteem in Leadership,’ it explains what perceptions about yourself you must overcome or adopt. This was a good book to have read. It was easy to put the advice to use. I feel that to the person struggling to lead others in their organization, this will be a great book to have. For those not currently in a leadership position, the book also contains useful tips, such as how to communicate with others, but much of the book may seem superfluous. Those in this position would be wise to file it away for future reference.

Reviewed By:

Author Brian Tracy
Star Count 3/5
Format Hard
Page Count 112 pages
Publisher AMACOM
Publish Date 1/20/2014
ISBN 9780814433416
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Issue May 2014
Category Self-Help


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