Black Star

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Black Star is an amazing graphic novel, with stunning artwork and great visuals. The storytelling is also great. You can really feel the conflict between the characters as they struggle to survive each other and the dangerous planet they have crashed on. If you like stories with morally grey characters, or stories told from the “villain’s” perspective, I would definitely recommend it.

The characterization of Dr. North and Parrish makes them feel like they’re real people, trying to accomplish the original mission or get revenge, or just trying to survive and make it home. The book explores the way humanity can act in times of destruction and the choices we make.

Black Star is a beautiful story with great characters, whether they only appear in flashbacks or are more central. The vibrant colors and great facial expressions drive home the emotions the characters are experiencing. Sometimes the scenes do not feature any words, but they still clearly get the points across to the reader. I’d definitely suggest this book if you need something to read!

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Author Eric A. Glover
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 176 pages
Publisher Abrams ComicArts - Megascope
Publish Date 11-May-2021
ISBN 9781419742286
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Category Sequential Art