Ultimate Veg: Easy & Delicious Meals for Everyone [American Measurements]

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I was so excited to start cooking from this book. My family is not strictly vegetarian, but we do enjoy eating vegetarian food occasionally. Initially flipping through the book, I was enthusiastic about trying a large number of the recipes. They seemed flavorful and creative. Some of them even had ingredients I have never heard of before!

The first recipe I tried to cook had directions that were very clear and easy to follow. The recipe itself had multiple steps and took a long time to complete. It was worth the wait, because the dish was savory and delicious!

The only thing I would have liked to see that I did not is a section on desserts! I plan to cook more of these delicious-looking recipes very soon, including crispy-bottom steamed dumplings and stuffed mushrooms. I think other people would enjoy this cook book because it has so many different varieties of vegetarian recipes from around the world. For anyone looking for a bit of inspiration in the kitchen to liven up dinner time, this book is perfect!

Reviewed By:

Author Jamie Oliver
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 312 pages
Publisher Flatiron Books
Publish Date 2020-01-07
ISBN 9781250262882
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue May 2020
Category Cooking, Food & Wine


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