Transformers Rescue Bots: Meet Blades the Copter-Bot (Passport to Reading)

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I like the Transformers Rescue Bots so I was happy to get this book. This story is about Blades the Copter-Bot. Am I a Rescue Bot fan? Yeah! When I am reading this book, I can look for things like a helicopter, a volcano, the lava, and a switch. In this book, “Earth is very strange to the Rescue Bots. Blades is having a hard time in his new home.” Blades has a problem. He used to have wheels but now he’s a helicopter. Blades and his human partner Dani have to learn how to work together. “Dani and Blades work together to get away from the ash and lava. They are happy, but the emergency is not over.” I found the switch and everything else, too. Yay, I looked for all the items. It is fun to look for things in books. This book is adventurous with lots of excitement. The pictures look like the cartoons and I have some of those toys. Kids who like Transformers Rescue Bots will want to read this book.

Reviewed By:

Author D. Jakobs
Star Count 4/5
Format Trade
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher LB Kids
Publish Date 22-Apr-2014
ISBN 9780316188708
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Issue July 2014
Category Early Reader


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