The Pigman

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When two social misfits John and Lorraine make a prank call to a random person named Angelo Pignati, it starts the beginning of a relationship that demonstrates the best and worst of human nature. Pignati, an elderly, clever and fun-loving man, has a deeper history then meets the eye. John and Lorraine, two sophomores in high school, provide a fascinating narrative describing their adventures with who they call The Pigman, on account of his odd collection of glass, plastic and ceramic pigs.

The alternating narratives between John and Lorraine provide two interesting viewpoints that allowed me to construct a multi-leveled depiction of what is actually happening in the story. This book is not something to be hurried along; each event, idea and character has just little enough detail for the reader to enjoy contemplating the fine details.

I enjoyed how well the lives of John and Lorraine were portrayed and by the end of the book they felt like close friends. The plot was something unique, and the delivery of it was something of its own. This book is brilliant!

Reviewed By:

Author Paul Zindel
Star Count 4/5
Format Trade
Page Count 224 pages
Publisher HarperTeen 
Publish Date 1/7/2014
ISBN 9780062272447
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue April 2014
Category Young Adult


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