The Frightened Puppy (Pet Rescue Adventures)
The Frightened Puppy: Pet Rescues Adventures by Holly Webb, illustrated by Sophy Williams, is about this puppy who gets dumped on a riverbank by this stupid man. She got taken from her mother before she’s old enough to leave her mother. She has to fend for herself and she’s probably not as big as a baby raccoon. It’s tough for her, and it’s tough for Avery too.
Avery is a girl on vacation with her family who wants to help the puppy. She wants to help the puppy by keeping it or finding it a new home, but can she do it without her family giving the puppy to the animal shelter?
On finishing this book, I immediately went to our library and checked out all the books by Holly Webb. I love her Pet Rescue Adventure stories. The Frightened Puppy is heartbreaking and happy. We get to read in both Avery’s and the puppy’s point of view, and I liked that. I also liked how the puppy helped Avery, facing her very real fears of humans to help a new friend.
Author | Holly Webb, Sophy Williams |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Trade |
Page Count | 128 pages |
Publisher | Tiger Tales |
Publish Date | 17-Sep-2024 |
ISBN | 9781664340817 |
Amazon | Buy this Book |
Issue | September 2024 |
Category | Tweens |
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