Tales of the Mushroom Folk

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This book is about mushrooms, but it isn’t a fact book; it is full of poems about mushrooms. Each type of mushroom has its own poem because each type of mushroom is unique and different. So each mushroom type is a family of mushroom people; they act in different ways, and they wear different clothes and hats that look like the different types of mushrooms. They are all very small, although the Slimy Milkcaps are much bigger than the other mushroom folk. There are also some mushrooms called the Royal Button Mushrooms, which are the kings and queens, although I think the Coral Mushrooms should be the rulers because their hats look more like crowns. Each family has different things it likes to do, like the Coral Mushrooms play in the forest while the Stinkhorns make a stinky smell to drive the other mushrooms away. The pictures kind of explain what the words are saying, and the words explain what the pictures are, so they work really well together. You will like reading this book because it lets you imagine these little mushroom people like little fairy folk, and you will like looking at the funny pictures.

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Author Signe Aspelin • Polly Lawson, Translator
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher FLO
Publish Date 2016-09-15
ISBN 9781782503347
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Issue November 2016
Category Children's


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