Recycling Day

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This book is about a vacant lot where many bugs live, and that is being taken over by some disgusting rats. The rats are lazy, destructive, bossy, and rotten. They are terrifying the bugs. Luckily, recycling day is coming up. Volunteers come to help clean up the vacant lot. I learned a lot about recycling from this book. There are different types of recycling: glass, paper, metal, and plastic. There are also many things that can’t be recycled. I also learned about composting. This book helped me learn all about helping out and recycling. We do a cleanup and recycling at my school every year. I learned a lot about ways I can help, too. I liked how the rats leave the vacant lot after all the volunteers come in to help clean up. I liked how the worms find a new place to live in the compost. Worms love compost. I loved how all the volunteers work together to make something that was once so ugly into something beautiful. I would tell anyone that wanted to learn more about recycling to read this book.

Reviewed By:

Author Edward Miller
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Holiday House
Publish Date 01-Aug-2014
ISBN 9780823424191
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue February 2015
Category Children's


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