Pooper Snooper (Working With Scientists)

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Sampson is a very active dog who likes to work for his red ball. He is very energetic and likes to run and work. His owner, Julie, is a scientist and has taught him to do a very specific job so that she can do her own job. She has taught him to sniff for poop. Once he finds what she is looking for, he is rewarded with his red ball. Sampson was trained to do his poop sniffing job with many hours of practice. I like how they work together.

This was a very informative book. I had no idea that dogs could be trained to be smell specific kinds of animal poo, especially tiny pieces. I love how he gets rewarded by playing ball. This book is full of information, including a question and answer session with Sampson’s scientist owner, Julie.

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Author Jennifer Keats Curtis, Julianne Ubigau, Phyllis Saroff
Star Count 4.5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Arbordale Publishing
Publish Date 02-Nov-2021
ISBN 9781643518237
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Issue January 2022
Category Children's