Pete the Cat: Valentine’s Day Is Cool

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At first Pete thought that Valentine’s Day was not cool. His friend Callie told him it was a day to tell people how special they are to you. After a while Pete changed his mind. He decided to make Valentine’s cards for all of his friends. After Pete got on the bus he decided the bus driver should get a card too, so he made some more. Pete’s friend Callie invited him over for a party. When he arrived he realized he had forgotten to make Callie a card. He felt bad, but she said it was ok because hanging out with friends is better than a card. On the last page, Pete and Callie are eating a piece of cake. This was my favorite page. I like some Pete the Cat books but this was not one of my favorites. It was a good book to read for Valentine’s Day, but it did not sound like other Pete the Cat books. This book had stickers and Valentine cards with it. It also had a poster that was the picture on the cover. I have a younger brother and sister who really like reading Pete the Cat books. They both liked this book and they liked the stickers.

Reviewed By:

Author James Dean, Kimberly Dean, James Dean, Illustrator
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 24 pages
Publisher Festival
Publish Date 11/26/2013
ISBN 9780062198655
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue May 2014
Category Children's


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