Out of This World: Star-Studded Haiku

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Out of This World: Star-Studded Haiku, which is written by Sally M. Walker and illustrated by Matthew Trueman, was out of this world! (Get my pun? Ha!) The poems are nice to read out loud and you learn a lot about the universe, too. It’s neat how it goes in order, from the constellations all the way to the distant reaches of the universe. And the glossary in back is very helpful if you have any questions about planets or space or, well, anything! The illustrations are really good too, and so beautiful. Space is just super beautiful in this book. – Aaron

When the moon goes over a town or the earth, it makes a ginormous shadow, and it makes me think of a giant in front of a flashlight. It was a good book and it was a cool book too. It featured all the planets. I liked learning about all the planets this way. Especially Earth, where we live! When they talk about Earth as a stew, it made me hungry! – Julianne

Author Sally M. Walker
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 48 pages
Publisher Candlewick
Publish Date 12-Apr-2022
ISBN 9781536203561
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Issue June 2022
Category Children's