Once Upon a Space-Time!

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Petra and Jide, two human kids living in the future, are headed into space with Tobey, an alien whose world is full of Tobey clones, and Commander G, an advanced astronaut who is known to do cool things. Petra and Jide’s friends, Narleen, Spencer, and Jens, work in mission control. As Petra and Jide explore through space, they meet other alien kids, float in zero gravity, and try to stop some annoying adult astronauts from trying to replace the child astronauts. Will Petra, Jide, and their friends succeed in stopping the selfish adults from boarding the spaceship?

This book is a good read and a funny read! Tobey is silly, and I like how silly it is to have a spaceship called the POTATO, even though its an acronym. I like how this book has humor and is educational about science. My favorite character is Petra, even though she hates vegetables. But otherwise, I like all the good characters. I recommend this book to anyone who likes space, science fiction, and humor.

Reviewed By:

Author Jeffrey Brown
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 256 pages
Publisher RH Graphic
Publish Date 2020-06-02
ISBN 9780553534351
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue June 2020
Category Sequential Art - Kids


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