Mia: Ripples in the Water

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A mouse named Mia, who loves adventure, gets inspired by her papino’s trip to Africa. Her papino would read his journal from his adventure to Africa to Mia. He tells Mia about King Abdalla the lion and his father. A long time ago, Mia’s big sister, Zola, wandered off and lost her memory. Mia’s big brothers, Cade and Rupert, tried to scare Mia out of liking adventure because they don’t want to lose Mia just like they lost Zola. They also wonder what’s in Papino’s journal. Mia gets scared, but she never stops liking adventure. Her Papino would tell her to dip her toe in the water and see where the ripples would take her. Mia sails on a journey to Africa, meeting lots of friendly animals along the way, like Twiga the giraffe and Deka the elephant. However, there are lots of other dangerous animals that try to eat her, like Effiom the crocodile and Faizeen the cheetah. But little does she know Cade and Rupert have been following her on her adventure the whole time! Mia’s other friend, a bird named Pern, watches Cade and Rupert from above, just in case. Mia loves adventure, so she’ll never stop doing it. Mia’s curiosity and love for adventure give her toe a dip in the water, and a journey begins!

A book like this is a great book! But I don’t like how Cade and Rupert treat Mia. The funny part is when Cade is asleep and Mia’s friend spider, Spidey, spins a web inside one of Cade’s nostrils and comes back out the other nostril! I like how Mia looks and seems just like Zola! They share the same lavender eyes, and they share the same love for adventure. I like Mia because she is very clever and kind. I also like how she helps if a friend is in pain. She is also very brave and quick. I like how, on the cover of the book, Pern’s claw carries Mia across the hills because the picture is also inside of the book. At first, I thought the bird on the cover was the other bird in the story. I hope there will a second book in which Mia travels someplace else! Will Mia accomplish her journey without any fear? Or will she fail the trip and choose a different path? I recommend this book to someone who loves adventure.

Reviewed By:

Author D.A. Jennings
Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 197 pages
Publisher Inlet Shade Publishing
Publish Date 2019-10-18
ISBN 9780996655064
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue January 2020
Category Tweens


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