Little Wade and Watchtower: Abigail and the Great Gang Trap

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Little Wade and Watchtower: Abigail and the Great Gang Trap by Sean March is a sci-fi adventure book. A ghost, a lamppost, and a smart little girl take out gangs in New York City around the late 1800s. Abigail moved to New York only a few months ago and was trying to get used to it. The city with its mazes of alleys was different from the country where she used to live. A gang attacked her on the way to the library in an alleyway. A shoe polishing boy helped her escape, except he turned out to be a ghost of a little boy who was killed many years ago. Watchtower, a lamp post in a suit, knocked out all of the gangsters and saved Abigail. All around New York children were being kidnapped by the gangsters. Abigail was trying to figure out where they were keeping the kids and helped Little Wade and Watchtower save the kids.

My favorite character is Watchtower because he is very strong and powerful, made out of metal, and in his true form he is twenty-one feet tall, he is brave, kind, and gentle. Little Wade is a very likable character, he is funny and charming, and can create illusions to fool people. Abigail is a little girl whose mother died when she was very young. She lived with her carpenter dad who took care of her and built the whole house when they lived in the country.

The story is really interesting, original, and entertaining. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I could not wait to find out what happened next. The fights between the gangs and Little Wade and Watchtower held my interest the most. I was trying to figure out who would win, who would lose, and what would happen to the main characters. My favorite part was when Little Wade, Watchtower, and Abigail set the great gang trap.

The book was pretty easy to read and the language flowed well without lots of repetitive words. The book did not have any pictures in it, but I think it made it better because you can imagine the story. The moral of the story is that you are braver than you think. Abigail started out being afraid of the gangs but at the end she took on gangsters to save the children. I think ten to fourteen-year-olds would enjoy this book if they like lots of action and fighting. This story can make the best series in my opinion and I would happily read the next book. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it. It is such an amazing story I felt like I was in it!

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Author Sean March
Star Count 5/5
Format eBook
Page Count 382 pages
Publisher Little Wade and Watchtower, Co.
Publish Date 2020-10-31
ISBN 9781735143309
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue November 2020
Category Tweens


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