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Indiginerds is a varied collection of modern stories told by Indigenous authors and illustrators. The range of stories deal with themes of love, mental health, representation, gaming and digital media. The graphic novel has stories that are autobiographical, sci-fi, romance, and non-fiction so there is a story for everyone.

This is the perfect read to celebrate Native American Heritage Month. I recently watched Reservation Dogs, and I appreciated the story, “Missed Pow Wow Connection” and “Saving Throws” because it reminded me of the show. I really enjoyed “Dorvan V” because I love that there is an Indigenous Renaissance and that the author got to write an Indigenous sci-fi story that represents their people. It was also one of the better developed stories.

I wished that some of the stories were longer because some of the stories were really short and rather forgettable because the stories and characters didn’t get a chance to develop. The cover art is so sparkly, and I really like the purple hue of the cover. I recommend this graphic novel to anyone who is interested in learning more about Indigenous stories. Skoden!

Reviewed By:

Author Alina Pete
Star Count 3.5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 120 pages
Publisher Iron Circus Comics
Publish Date 06-Sep-2024
ISBN 9781638991335
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Issue December 2024
Category Young Adult