How to Teach Grown-Ups About Pluto: The cutting-edge space science of the solar system

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Times are changing and have changed, and that is hard for some boomers. This is a great book to help explain to adults all about the planet named Pluto. If you are curious, is Pluto is still a planet? Is it the final planet? Why did scientists think Pluto wasn’t a planet? It seems that scientists do believe that they have found many similar objects with the same characteristics as Pluto in the Kuiper belt, so they have decided to make an even more specific classification to help determine what exactly Pluto is.

This book is full of interesting and fun facts, and what could be more fun that blowing adults’ minds with new scientific research. I really like this book. The text is easy to read and informative. The illustrations are cute and help to make sense of some of the text.

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Author Dean Regas
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 112 pages
Publisher Britannica Books
Publish Date 05-Apr-2022
ISBN 9781913750510
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Issue April 2022
Category Children's