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Kiku is visiting San Francisco with her mom to see the home that her grandmother had lived in. Due to the fog, Kiku is sent back to 1942, when the US is gathering all Japanese Americans into internment camps. At the camp in Tanforan, Kiku meets a young Ernestina Teranishi, who is Kiku’s grandmother. Kiku never got an opportunity to know her grandmother growing up.

She comes to realize and experience how unfair the US is treating Japanese Americans. Kiku makes friends and makes a life for herself at the camp, although she eventually gets transported back home to Seattle. She tells her mom about her experience being displaced, and her mom tells her that the same thing had happened to her, too. Kiku and her mom decide to protest so that the US does not repeat its own history.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I did not know about the internment camps at all, and it was interesting to learn about them. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys learning about history through reading a graphic novel, which makes learning less boring.

Reviewed By:

Author Kiku Hughes
Star Count 5/5
Format Trade
Page Count 288 pages
Publish Date 8/18/2020
ISBN 9781250193537
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue September 2020
Category Tweens


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