Darker by Four
In an urban cityscape where demons lurk in the shadows, the lives of three individuals are about to collide. Rui, a cadet at a magical academy, is focused on nothing but avenging her mother’s death. Yurai, a powerless boy from a well-regarded family, wants nothing more than to fit in with the elite. Lastly, there’s Nikai, a reaper from the mysterious Fourth Court, who is thrown into the conflict when his master disappears.
If the death god is not found, the world as everyone knows it will collapse. When Rui’s powers are transferred to Yurai as the result of a spell gone wrong, she will do anything to get them back: even strike a deal with another King of Death. As the conflict heats up and a plague spreads across the city, the three will have to make some complicated decisions in order to save humanity.
This book was enchanting! Written for anime lovers and avid readers of fantasy, the setting and characters deliver an atmospheric world in which everything is unique yet familiar in all the best ways. The characters were well fleshed-out, with relatable personalities and honest relationships. I would recommend this to any fan of dark fantasy.
Author | June CL Tan |
Star Count | 4/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 400 pages |
Publisher | HarperCollins |
Publish Date | 02-Apr-2024 |
ISBN | 9780063283848 |
Amazon | Buy this Book |
Issue | May 2024 |
Category | Young Adult |
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