At the Sea

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At the Sea is a giant book. In fact, it’s the biggest book that I have ever seen. There are lots of flaps that you can lift to discover different parts of the ocean. It is a really cool book where you can learn all about different types of animals and plants and also about sailboats and lighthouses and beaches—all sorts of things that are related to the ocean.

It’s not really a story, but it’s full of information that you’ve maybe never heard before. Unless you are a scientist, you will probably learn a lot from this and be really interested by everything. Kids aged five and up and also adults will like this book.

Reviewed By:

Author Emma Giuliani
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 16 pages
Publisher Princeton Architectural Press
Publish Date 12-Apr-2022
ISBN 9781648961267
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Issue April 2022
Category Children's