A Lesson for the Wolf

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There’s a wolf that admires other animals, and wants to be like them, because he doesn’t think wolves are very pretty, or admirable. He takes some things from the animals he admires – caribou antlers, owl feathers, wolverine fur – and he calls to the strength of the land to make those things part of him. Then, he goes to his wolf family, but they laugh at him, so he runs away. His family feels sad for him, but he runs away from them, because he thinks they will laugh at him again. Then, his mother comes and tells him that he can admire the other animals, but doesn’t have to be like them, because wolves are beautiful too.

I admire the wolf in this book, more than I admire the animals the wolf admires, although I did admire the owl; the pictures in this book are beautiful, especially of the wolves. The pictures are painted in gray and blue and white colors, and make me think about the Arctic and the cold and snow where the wolves are. This is a good story about the wolf, and a good lesson that you are beautiful just the way that you are.

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Author Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley, Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, Alan Cook, Illustrator
Star Count 5/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Inhabit Media
Publish Date 20-May-2015
ISBN 9781772270051
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Issue August 2015
Category Children's


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