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A Box of Butterflies
So at first I thought this book would be about butterflies, but it turned out it was about love. I keep wondering why it’s called a box of butterflies. Maybe because you have butterflies in your stomach, like when you’re scared or something. And my favorite part was when they said, “Like a firefly in the night.” I like the picture; I like the firefly. It’s just pretty cool. They were saying it was about love. They wrote this book to teach you about love and bad emotions. They want to teach you about emotions so you can know about the emotions you have. You’ll use your emotions. They want you to figure out how to feel better. Sometimes you also might get jealous, which is not really good. Like the time I got jealous when someone else got to be a bunny in the ballet recital, and I was like, “I want to be a bunny!” So that’s basically like being jealous. I’ll tell you something about being mad. When you’re mad you probably say, “Why can’t I get this?” So basically you get mad when you can’t get something that you want. And sometimes you might get sad. Like when something dies; that’s probably when you’re sad. And you cry–sometimes when you’re upset you cry. Girls and boys should read this book because they need to be taught to love. They need to be taught to use their emotions. People who need to learn love, who don’t know how to love anything, like Edward Tulane, should read this book. I would give this book five stars because I think it’s a pretty good book. It really teaches people about love.
Author | Jo Rooks • Jo Rooks, Illustrator |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 32 pages |
Publisher | Magination Press |
Publish Date | 2018-Apr-30 |
ISBN | 9781433828713 |
Amazon | Buy this Book |
Issue | December 2018 |
Category | Children's |
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