Bad handwriting not only contributes to lower grades, it also gives the reader–usually a teacher–a negative impression right from the start.
And obviously, good handwriting creates a positive impression. Because you may know that a lot of things can be told about a person just by seeing their handwriting. Maybe the teacher isn’t a handwriting expert, but they form a first impression nonetheless.
And I believe that creating a negative impression of your writing right at the start is not a good idea at all.
So making your handwriting look good is very necessary. So in this article, I will share five simple and easy tips with you to improve your handwriting easily.
No, you don’t have to practice writing letters individually. But when you write something, you have to keep the following things in mind. And with practice, your handwriting can improve.
So let’s start.
Smart idea 1: Never overlap letters. Yes, I know that cursive handwriting looks attractive, but it is better to leave writing in cursive to those who have more skill.
Because if your handwriting is bad, you first need to ensure that everyone is able to read your handwriting easily and without any trouble. For this, the easiest way is to keep your letters separate.
When you type a message in your phone, the letters are kept separate. Does the text on the screen look bad? Is it hard to read? Certainly not!
So when you’re texting or scrolling your Facebook newsfeed, try to pay attention to the style of the letters you see. Try to copy those letters. Seeing good handwriting can make people say, “Oh wow! It just looks like a printed page!” So try to make your handwriting as good as that of a printed page at first.
Write one letter after another and do not let them overlap. But don’t place a huge gap between each word–just copy the spacing as you see it written on the mobile screen. It’s the simplest and easiest idea. Practice writing following this idea for just a few days, and then check in on whether your handwriting has improved.
Smart idea 2: Handwriting with consistent space between the words and letters is the most eye-catching. Make these spaces as equal as you can. The more consistent the spacing in your handwriting, the more attractive it will look to the reader.
So what should you do? While writing, pay attention to the space you just made between your words and work to maintain the same amount of space throughout the rest of your writing. It’s that easy!
You just have to practice. It will be slow and awkward at first, but after a few weeks, you’ll get used to it, and good handwriting habits will start to come automatically.
Smart idea 3: Use round curves to form your letters. From surveys it has been shown that most people like curvy- or round-shaped watch dials more than rectangular-shaped watch dials. In another experiment, two types of room architecture were shown to a group of people. One type of room featured a rectangular style of furniture, and the other room featured a round furniture style. The majority of people surveyed preferred the rooms with round-shaped furniture. So from this research, we can conclude that most of us prefer a round or curvy style. So if your letters are consistently round, they will more likely appeal to the reader.
Smart idea 4: Using a tense grip on the pen may be the most common mistake in bad handwriting. Most of us grip the pen more tightly than needed. And the more tightly you grip the pen, the more trouble you’ll have moving the pen freely. As a result, your control and flexibility will also decrease, resulting in more rectangularly shaped writing. In addition, after time, holding tightly to the pen will cause pain and stiffness in your fingers. And this pain will have an impact on your performance.
Now, there are lots of debates on the perfect style of gripping a pen. But I will tell you only the main intention behind the style of gripping a pen. The rest I think that is everyone’s personal preference. The main intention is for the pressure to be divided between your three fingers equally; excessive pressure should not be applied to any of the fingers. Your palm should always act as a base of support, and it is good to write sitting straight because if you write keeping your paper too close to your eyes or too far from them, it will cause eye strain.
Smart idea 5: Maintain straight lines. We know that it looks good when we write maintaining a straight line. That’s not the problem; the problem is how to maintain it. For that, the simplest and easiest method is to draw margins on the notebook. Draw two straight margins, one at the top and another on the right side of the page using a ruler and pencil. If you keep your writing in line with these two margins, you will be able to maintain a straight line of text easily. And if you want, after finishing your writing, you can erase the margins with an eraser. This will automatically make your writing appear neater and more organized.
Ultimately, improving your handwriting will help improve how readers–like your teachers–judge your work.
So let’s recap:
1) Try to keep your letters distinct and separate from each other.
2) Maintain equal space between your words.
3) Try to maintain round curves in your letters.
4) Grip the pen gently but firmly.
5) Try to maintain a straight line by drawing vertical and horizontal margins in your notebook.
Hopefully, if you’re a student, this article will help you to eradicate your handwriting problems and grab more positive attention from your teacher. If you are a teacher, you can implement these strategies in your own teaching.
George Simpson is a web designer at Private Tutors Dubai, a one-stop shop for content for businesses. He’s been freelancing since before the internet was the place to be. He loves to share knowledge and strategies with professionals. You can reach him at