by editor | Jul 2, 2018 | By Kids, Interviews
Interview by Susan Faith Ellington, age 10 How did you come up with the ideas to write this book? It’s pretty weird—I had the same job that Fovea has in the book! I was a receptionist for a cadaver lab! Thankfully, it was never as exciting as it was for Fovea....
by editor | Aug 24, 2017 | By Kids, Interviews
Interviewed by Brian, age 6 Thank you, Brian for the thoughtful book review you did of The Day I Ran Away. When I learned that we would do an interview together, I knew you would have great questions, and you did! How many books have you written? Which...
by editor | Nov 8, 2016 | By Staff, Interviews
By Susan L. Roberts Q. When I read your book, I am Jane Goodall, I felt welcomed into her world and inspired to be myself. Since then, I have explored several other of your books, and they have a similar feel to them. Tell me how you came to write these “hero”...
by editor | Sep 19, 2016 | By Staff, Interviews
**Reprinted with permission from Random House Children’s Books** To celebrate the release of Dan Brown’s young adult adaptation of THE DA VINCI CODE (Delacorte Press | 978-1-524-71582-3 | Available now), Random House Children’s Books has interviewed Dan in an...
by editor | Sep 7, 2016 | By Staff, Interviews
Kids’ BookBuzz’s Faith Lewis interviews Kim, Zarins, author of young adult novel Canterbury Tales, Sometimes We Tell the Truth. Q. Why did you want to write a story that was a reimagining of The Canterbury Tales? A. As a medievalist, I love the idea of...