Ella and the Balloons in the Sky

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This book is about a girl and she went to her pets’ cages to feed them. Then she saw they weren’t there, so she looked all around the house, but couldn’t find them. Then she looked outside and she saw them all floating away on balloons! Then she climbed up the tree and tried to catch her pets, but couldn’t. She said, “Mother, my pets are floating away on balloons!” and her mother said, “You have to remember that when things float away, they will always be there in the sky.” She tried to throw a rock at them to pop the balloons, and she also tried floating up to them with her own balloons, but those things didn’t work. Finally she went outside and she saw her dog’s face in the tree, and the sun was her cat’s face, and the bird was in the cloud. And some stars made her fish’s shape. Then she was able to remember her pets and be happy, even though she was still a little bit sad.

I thought this book was a little sad, but I like it that the pets were in the sky so she could always remember them. I liked the pictures in this book too.

Reviewed By:

Author Danny Appleby, Lauren Pirie, illustrator
Star Count 4/5
Format Hard
Page Count 32 pages
Publisher Tundra Books
Publish Date 11/12/2013
ISBN 9781770495289
Amazon Buy this Book
Issue January 2014
Category Children's


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